What happened to this week? Its Friday again, and with not much to show for it. I've been obsessing this week with web page ideas. What do I want to se on a web page? What do we need to do to produce such a page? Do we need expensive software, or $10,000 design? I'm learning a lot (for me) about what pages are made of, but not really enough to do it, just to know what I want, and that it is possible with the right tools (and they don't have to cost megabucks). So , of course, the next obsessive thoughts revolved around the HOW. The committee at work doesn't really seem to have much focus. And certainly the bottom line decision making seems very unclear. So MY aim for the next week is to focus that. I'm putting way to much energy (and worry) into something that my not be in my hands. The alternate possibility is that it may all get dumped into my hands (possibly with a boatload of bad feelings), and I can't decide if I'm ready for the challenge. I am if I can use the tools (i.e. knowledge) available through my trusted family sources. Time will tell.
In alternate obsessiveness I've gone through 50 years or so of pictures to have the ScanVan scan and upload to Kodak Gallery. This way I can share some of the old family photos w/ the rest of the family. And I will have digital photos for some of the baby pictures that we don't have on usable negatives. Unfortunately I brought up lots of mold and dust with said boxes of photos and everyone's been stuffy or sniffy for the last few days. But it will be nice to have these taken care of. (Actually I wish I still had the old 1920's pictures from Poppop & Mommom here to scan. But I guess we can do those ourselves, someday.)
I've been pretty circumspect about the "someday" part this week, since hearing of Ellen's sudden diagnosis with brain cancer. I guess we really need to learn to not always put things off til tomorrow. I guess my other brain obsession this week has been Ellen and her family. Lots of thoughts and prayers. Included in that is many thanks for the blessings we have, cause hey, you never know...