Monday, October 31, 2005
My Favorite Halloween Tradition

Saturday, October 29, 2005
I Will Be There
I will be there when you cry,
I will be there when you need me,
I will be there when you fall,
I will be there all the time.
There's a road stretching out
And it leads to your desired haven.
Don't look back and don't you fear
Cause I'll be there.
I will be there when you cry,
I will be there when you need me,
I will be there when you fall,
I will be there all the time.
When you feel like giving up
And you fall on your knees in desperation
There's a strength beyond compare
Cause I'll be there.
You can believe it's true, cause I'll be there
I'll never leave or desert you
Through trials and temptations, oh I will be there,
I'll be there through the darkness, just call me.
Your every heartbeat, well I give to you
And every breath you breath I give to you
And when you're weary and you can't go on
Just look up anywhere
Cause I'll be there. I'll be there.
I will be there, I will be there
Every time you need me.
When you fall, when you fall, and I'll pick you up.
On that road stretching out
And it leads to your desired haven
Don't look back and don't you fear
Cause I'll be there.
I've been on this road a long long time ago,
And I lead you now to your desired haven.
Don't look back, but do draw near
Cause I'll be here, yes I'll be here,
You know I'll be here.
Saw Phil Keaggy in concert again last night. I forgot (I guess you do when you don't listen for a while) how comforting it can be to hear important words sung to you. Words that you want to believe, but don't always feel. This is a very peaceful song with reminders of the loving presence of God, especially through the people who love me. Maybe that's what I needed most to hear, and to keep hearing in the worrying times of my life.
And its what I want to promise those around me...just as a reminder that we all need each other.
Friday, October 28, 2005
What is this thing with refrigerators?
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Rain, Rain go away
Possesses us entirely, the twilight and the rain.
~Alun Lewis
The rain is making people crazy. Everyone is gloomy and out of sorts. I think if the sun ever comes out again we should have to just take time off and bask in it. (But I'm sure if it does come out it will be when I am scheduled to work reference). Maybe we should just have a new attitude, like:
Some people walk in the rain, others just get wet. ~Roger Miller
But then we need it to be a warm rain don't we? ;)
Sunday, October 23, 2005
I'm home alone
The bad thing is that I love being home alone to have some quiet time, and yet I'm not really enjoying it to the fullest. Maybe because I don't know when the boys will be home and I don't want them to catch me wasting time on the internet, as usual. *Guilty*
Thursday, October 20, 2005
A Really Cool Internet site
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Medical Aesthetics
Saturday, October 15, 2005
For my part I am mostly happy. Happy we have a simple, definite diagnosis. And happy that the chaos of soccer season is over sooner rather than later. I am feeling guilty for feeling happy. But nevertheless, that is where I am at. I do feel sad for my son though. Its hard to watch the frustration he is going through. And I admit to a little frustration myself knowing that this ankle issue will probably return to haunt him in the next soccer season as well. I guess I can only hope and pray for the best.
Friday, October 14, 2005
Fog & mist & moon
It was quite foggy over the bay today; with the fog creeping over the trees. It was settled on the water and oozing over the bridge. I think it looked inviting to disappear into, although I did not. Later the nearly full moon came peeking out of the clouds. Magical.
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Wednesday morning in the Gazebo
- Little ones using the rocking chairs
- A toddler or 2 running to hug Curious George
- Babies sleeping peacefully amidst the chaos
- Jason playing guitar and singing in the story room
- Incredible block towers, and the stories that go with them
- Cries of "pencil" as they run for the desk (I gave out lots of scrap paper)
- Puppet shows to appreciative Moms
- Kids shimmying up the light post and climbing on the bridge railings
- Moms and tots dressed alike
- Generally happy hubbub
- Even an occasional reference question
And I still thought that the reference shift went well. So there.
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Vacations should last longer...
Monday, October 10, 2005
Having a wonderful time...
My traveling companion wrote postcards and letters and journal entries every night; proving she can write as well as talk (sometimes at the same time). Me, well, I'm not so good at the writing thing (although I got the pumpkin cookie recipe down). It was just great to be with people who really cared what I was saying, and truly responded with words of wit and wisdom. I am so glad I went with Adrienne to visit those "Mountain Mummas". I realize again how much I really have missed them this last 2 years. Maybe I will be a little better at keeping in touch now (at least for a little while).
Meanwhile back at the ranch, the boys ate lots of beef, went to a movie w/o me :( , and bought a new microwave which even now is being installed. I can't tell if they missed me very much, but there were no tears, so maybe I can think about doing this again some day.
Friday, October 07, 2005
West Virginia
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Road Trip
Monday, October 03, 2005
My daughter and I have the same friends
Looking forward to seeing you soon, E!