By planning a trip at the very last minute I guess you miss all the weeks of being able to make people jealous by telling them you are going to Jamaica, but you also miss weeks of worry that things will work out. Happily for us, everything has worked very well.
Our flight from Philly left a little late (time spent sitting on the runway), so our arrival was also a little late. Then the airline ran out of immigration forms when it got to our row, so by the time we filled ours out on the ground we were waiting behind another planeload of passengers. So customs and immigration were the biggest frustration. Plus the air conditioning was not working in the airport, so it got a little stuffy. But all was well when we found our driver Keven waiting . He took us to Jerkey's for the most fabulous Jerk Chicken and Festivals (cornmeal fried dough things...maybe Jamaican french fries?). Steve even had a Red Stripe (the national beer). Then we had an interesting 2 hour drive to Treasure Beach. We arrived at Jakes and were taken right to our cottage, Jack Sprat. It is quaint, but has 2 bedrooms, bath, sitting room and kitchenette. The best part is the bedroom opens out to a patio and covered porch that is right on the Caribbean. We hear the waves. The sun set right outside our front door. It is warm and a little humid, but there are constant breezes.
We got a Pina Colada and Pineapple Punch from Dougies (the bar at Jakes) and came back to our cottage to watch the sun set (at 7:30). Then went back around 9 for dinner at Jakes, including an interesting mango sorbet for dessert.
There is some interesting wildlife around here. If you like lizards you can certainly get your fill, since they are clearly evident, including in the cottage. There were some huge frogs out too, but only after dark. And we do seem to have quite an ant population, but the lizards must take care of the mosquitoes, since there did not seem to be too many in evidence tonight. We had the extra entertainment of lightening and thunder over the island. I presume there was some rain in the mountains, but we felt only a few drops. (Which is good since we were sitting outside at Jakes.)
Sleep came easily after getting up at 4:30 to start our journey....