Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Procrastination. Let me count the ways

Procrastination. It 's just that I'm not quite ready. I've got something(s) to do first.
  1. Blog
  2. Sleep ( a little nap )
  3. Read (Let me finish this chapter)
  4. Free Cell
  5. Eat...just a snack
  6. Have a cup of tea
  7. Snood
  8. Knitting...just one more row.
  9. Crossword puzzle
  10. Spider Solitaire
  11. IM
  12. Read my email
  13. Send some email
  14. Shower
  15. Cry
  16. Call in sick
  17. Play dead
In the end I just gotta do it.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Now that sounds like a topic I should be writing on...I totally agree with all of the above, except I can't knit and I don't really like tea, although I am officially hooked on cappachino, even though I can't spell it. My list also includes some things like Watch some more Law and Order, Make a sushi run with Jess, Attempt to dye my hair blue, and Play pool.