Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Help! I'm suffering from introspection again

Things have conspired lately to make me look at my life and where I'm headed (or not): a friend's pregnancy, the Library Assistants conference, reading "The Mermaid Chair", the untimely death of a friend's brother, and even the "Little Burgundy Book" readings on Stewardship. Unfortunately, no matter how I look at things, I never quite measure up to anything. The fact that I feel like I'm drifting with no clear direction is one thing, but there's also the fact that I've no idea which direction I want to go. And is it this fact that depresses me? Or is it that I'm depressed that causes this lack of direction? And would I really be happier if I just stopped thinking about it? Or do I need to do something, take a step, in order to feel better? Or am I just afraid of the answers? Or maybe I should just quit thinking its all about me and just be there to support other people? Perhaps this is why I just keep playing Snood instead...


Elizabeth said...

Oh dear. I suspect we must be related...

wplmom said...
