Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Rain, Rain go away

but now it is the rain
Possesses us entirely, the twilight and the rain.

~Alun Lewis

The rain is making people crazy. Everyone is gloomy and out of sorts. I think if the sun ever comes out again we should have to just take time off and bask in it. (But I'm sure if it does come out it will be when I am scheduled to work reference). Maybe we should just have a new attitude, like:

Some people walk in the rain, others just get wet. ~Roger Miller

But then we need it to be a warm rain don't we? ;)


Elizabeth said...

It's not the rain that I mind; it's the wet clothes.

wplmom said...

I did in fact note that the sun came out at 1:05 pm, and went down shortly after I got home. (I did get to "bask" in it while I put air in my tires and drove home.)