Monday, January 30, 2006

Lean, Mean and 13

Well my baby (I mean, my youngest child) is now officially a teenager. Hard to believe its been thirteen years already since my last experience of childbirth. Those memories still seem fresh. But there have been so many more wonderful things too! The sumo wrestler fat baby. The precocious toddler speaking in full sentences. The suave woman-charming little boy. The sports loving, book reading, game playing, trivia spouting young man of today. The chick magnet of tomorrow. Oh, the things we still have to look forward to! I thank God often for sending me such a terrific kid, especially as I had just asked Him for a sign in my life. Josh is a pretty clear sign that what I still need to be doing is taking care of my family. (And maybe letting them take care of me, too.) Hey God - thanks again!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can I just say that I adore Josh? I just want to bottle him up and put him on a fireplace mantle. :)