Wednesday, April 26, 2006

I'm back. Sort of...

Well, I wrote a fabulous blog entry, in my head, around 3 am. Sorry you missed it.

Okay, since you insist I'll try really writing one now. Its been a long time since I last wrote, but I've really no idea how it got to be the end of April. Since then we have shopped for waterbeds, visited our friends in Fort Wayne over Easter weekend (went to church 3 times, got to hold baby Gianna, played Apples to Apples), then the family in Toledo (where we really didn't do much, just eating and a little shopping.) We also visited Castaway Bay and had water fun. (I especially liked the hot tub part). And then here we were, back in Webster to work etc.
For some reason I've found myself a little down since we've been back. I always feel like I miss people more when I see them after a long absence, and then have to leave again. Or maybe I'm just internally stressed by the subtle pressure of Pre Cana next week (which we are not prepared for). And the many play costumes which still need finishing. I feel nervous for the kids, who don't seem to be ready yet...but then the next 2 weeks will be intense practice, so they may be exhausted, but they will be ready.
I can't get in to being back at work either. Maybe a vacation was a good idea, but coming back was a worse one. ;)
I don't know, I'm just out of sorts. And I think visiting all those people without Elizabeth made me miss her more too. I know these next few weeks will fly by, but I can't wait to see her again. (Of course, that feeling is heightened by the impending birthday as well.)

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