Sunday, August 06, 2006

Another weekend where?

We spent another weekend, mostly at home, still digging out from packrattiness. I am taking it slow, but deliberate. And trying really hard to throw things away (if I can). We moved the family room furniture around for our new TV, so we now have an antenna that reaches the window to pick up as many HD channels as possible. Its pretty interesting to find that there are 4 PBS stations...only one HD but 2 other digital channels too. And another Fox station that does music videos. I don't watch much TV anyway, but the boys have been happy with all the cooking shows this weekend on WXXI-C.
I'm struggling with the fact that its already a week into August and I haven't done enough "summer things", whatever they are. Maybe because its been too hot to do any outdoor stuff like hiking and picnicking. Any strenuous activity sounds too hot. Well, maybe we'll make up for it in the next few weeks before Elizabeth goes back to school. Or not. I'm too tired and cranky to care. (Oh yeah...a cranky summer too. I just don't like heat.)

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