Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Need I say more.
Okay I will. As I sit here with tears running down my face from reading another blogger, it occurs to me that this happens far too frequently. Whether from situations at work, or with Frances, or just from reading the freaking news, the tears seem too close to the surface. And then there's the 3 am inferno (I'm not ready to admit to hot flash, but I suppose that's what it is.) It seems I've felt things more acutely lately, and I always attribute it to hormones. Don't all women? I suppose it could be drugs...As I'm back on a Sudafed and ibuprofen regimen this week, fighting off a sinus/ear infection, maybe? I know I've had the most bizarre and vivid dreams this week.
Anyhow, love me or leave me, that's where I'm at.

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