Friday, May 25, 2007

Shock and awe

Can I just say how amazing it is to see human beings I've given birth to (so I know where they came from), turn into adults? I watched my second child graduate from college this week, and it still seems a dream. I know there is reality there, after all this is the year of 25s...College graduation, moving to NY, marriage, Steve at Kodak...all celebrating that 25 year mark. So of course my kids are getting older too. But why does it seem so amazing? I think I must focus too much on the days, while the weeks, months and years are flying past. I guess I am also amazed that something so good came from me! Especially when I am not always sure of my own worth. But, wow, it sure makes me stop and think I'm doing something right!

Of course I also give credit where it is due: Congratulations, Elizabeth! You're doing a great job!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Horseradish-Bitter Truths You Can't Avoid

"Life is a turbulent journey, fraught with confusion, heartbreak, and inconvenience. This book will not help".
Lemony Snicket's latest book seems to be just what I need to see the truths in the world in the wonderful way he does, with a lot of truth and a bit of humor. Helpful, not really, but truly amusing.

"Fate is like a strange, unpopular restaurant, filled with odd waiters who bring you things you never asked for and don't always like".

"It is one of life's bitterest truths that bedtime so often arrives just when things are really getting interesting".

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Another Birthday!

Today is Matthew's birthday (happy birthday, Matthew), and I've been cooking and baking all morning. Although I imagine he wouldn't have minded cooking his own birthday dinner (and actually he will be in charge of the grill).
I have been running like crazy as least the usual that's been the last month, and will be the next month as well. I was in Toledo for the weekend (or at least the part where we weren't driving there and back, which was almost as long). I had a lovely time at Melissa's shower. I marveled at how much "stuff" they got. But they do seem to be very happy and ready for marriage, I guess. Its hard to watch all our "babies" grow up, especially since it makes me think about growing older too. I guess I'm in kind of a melancholy mood lately anyway. I did at least manage to stop crying, since that was all I could do for a few days last week. Don't really know what's up with that. And I'm afraid to think about it because the tears are still way to close to the surface. Maybe I'm making up for the years when I couldn't cry about anything.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Reasons to clean my office today

1. It really needs it
2. The piles are taller than I am
3. Feng shui
4. I have to find Arlene's check (if its there)
5. My memory is going and I can't remember which pile is which anymore
6. Arson is illegal
7. Olivia cleaned off her desk
8. I think I'm ready to part with some old papers (really)
9. Good hygeine demands I do it at least once a year
10. It really, really needs it and I've put it off too long