Friday, May 25, 2007

Shock and awe

Can I just say how amazing it is to see human beings I've given birth to (so I know where they came from), turn into adults? I watched my second child graduate from college this week, and it still seems a dream. I know there is reality there, after all this is the year of 25s...College graduation, moving to NY, marriage, Steve at Kodak...all celebrating that 25 year mark. So of course my kids are getting older too. But why does it seem so amazing? I think I must focus too much on the days, while the weeks, months and years are flying past. I guess I am also amazed that something so good came from me! Especially when I am not always sure of my own worth. But, wow, it sure makes me stop and think I'm doing something right!

Of course I also give credit where it is due: Congratulations, Elizabeth! You're doing a great job!

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