Monday, February 27, 2006
I did a hard thing today
In one of the most difficult moves in recent history, I got my body to the pool this morning after two months away. And before 8 a.m. I don't understand why people do this exercise thing. I certainly don't feel compelled. But my body is feeling yucky and I feel fat and guilty, so I went. It wasn't too bad I guess, but boy was I tired when it was over (actually about 1/2 way through). And I'm really tired tonight after some other stuff at work this evening. Hopefully that means I will sleep well. Good night.
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Marriage Prep Prep
Marriage has no guarantees. If that's what you're looking for, go live with a car battery.
--Erma Bombeck
Our Marriage Prep team is looking at some new material to change the way we do things. Maybe enliven or update the presentation for today's couples. I guess I've gone into overload just a little, because I think Erma has the best point I've seen in a while! I guess we have a little ways to go yet before I'm ready with a "new program" to help other folks get ready for marriage. I definitely will work on the Mission statement thing, or at least a definition of what we are supposed to accomplish. From what I've witnessed lately I am sure that no relationship is a sure thing. But I'm still willing to put some effort into mine, and maybe that's the difference, and that's what today's young engaged people need to know.
--Erma Bombeck
Our Marriage Prep team is looking at some new material to change the way we do things. Maybe enliven or update the presentation for today's couples. I guess I've gone into overload just a little, because I think Erma has the best point I've seen in a while! I guess we have a little ways to go yet before I'm ready with a "new program" to help other folks get ready for marriage. I definitely will work on the Mission statement thing, or at least a definition of what we are supposed to accomplish. From what I've witnessed lately I am sure that no relationship is a sure thing. But I'm still willing to put some effort into mine, and maybe that's the difference, and that's what today's young engaged people need to know.
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Feeling insignificant
I was just googling stuff today, nothing really important, but I came across a blog or two. I had an aha moment where I realized that I am just a teeny splash in the blogpuddle. Okay, I knew this before, but today I felt it. I just comment on random stuff in my life, while people are out there posting about social issues and political or literary commentary and trying to effect change in the world. I am not. I am sure it makes no difference to anyone when I post. In fact, I would guess my whole life has rather little effect on the world at large. I suppose if I stopped planning programs and no one else took over a few people might notice, but would they really care? I think maybe the worst part is that I also realized that complacency is for me a way of life. I don't really have any desire to rock the boat or effect social change. I try to make little differences in the part of the world I touch, but I also try not to care too much if it doesn't work. I'm sorry, maybe I'm just having another "Can I just hibernate?" kind of day. But really I feel rather small and insignificant right now.
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Jury Duty
Well I am proud to report that I have served my term of jury duty. I dutifully checked the Juror website for my instructions every night for a week. I did not report, since I was not instructed to do so. I did spend a week trying not to plan ahead too much. And actually wishing I would get called, since it seemed like it would be a nice change of pace and I would still get paid for it. But in fact its all over. A non-happening. But I am proud of my service anyway. (And relieved that I may not be called again for 4 years).
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
More on felting
To get that felted look, you knit (or crochet) your article bigger than you want it, out of 100% wool, and then you purposefully shrink it in the washer with hot water. I did take before and after measurements, but unless you use the same yarn I don't know if the results will be exactly the same. For purses I don't suppose it matters since it doesn't really matter what size it ends up. I guess for a hat or gloves or something else wearable it might. ;)
For a great article about felting see Knitty. com. Knitty also has lots of great patterns and instructions and pictures and stuff. I also like which has little videos to show you how to do stitches and techniques, and is very helpful.
Happy Knitting! And Felting!
For a great article about felting see Knitty. com. Knitty also has lots of great patterns and instructions and pictures and stuff. I also like which has little videos to show you how to do stitches and techniques, and is very helpful.
Happy Knitting! And Felting!
Monday, February 20, 2006
This is so cool!
Ever since I saw something felted and found out it was easy enough for me to do, I have been wanting to do a project. I got a book from the library, chose my project, bought yarn and went to work. And here just a few weeks later is the result: A beautiful felted bag.
Check out the before picture. It looks like a big knitted sack:

And afterward, a smaller, more purse sized, bubble bag:
I am so proud of myself because I figured out how to do it with just a little advice and cheerleading from my knitting guru friends and an internet site or two.
Now I can't wait to start the next one!
Check out the before picture. It looks like a big knitted sack:

And afterward, a smaller, more purse sized, bubble bag:

I am so proud of myself because I figured out how to do it with just a little advice and cheerleading from my knitting guru friends and an internet site or two.
Now I can't wait to start the next one!
Sunday, February 19, 2006
Side effects of watching the Winter Olympics
- Not doing much reading
- Staying up way too late
- Missing Buffy
- Increased knowledge of obscure winter sports
- Tension during tight races and skates
- Avoiding any news on the internet or radio til I've seen the event myself
- But now I have good current events knowledge...
- Cursing NBC's coverage; I mean show us at least a little bit of each event in prime time. Like curling e.g., the favorites (Canada) get beaten and I want to see it!
- The commercials that were cute a week ago becoming insufferable now
- Lots of time to complete some knitting and crochet projects
Saturday, February 18, 2006
The Winter Ball
I have trouble mothering from afar. My daughter is going to a dance tonight (I think) that she's not sure she wants to go to (I think) with someone I have no clue about. I don't know what she's wearing, or how she's getting there, or even where there is. And I'm not sure how much of the details I'll get later. Or maybe pictures? Oh it's hard being a mother from afar.
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Spring delusion
I saw 2 robins frolicking yesterday. And the bunnies have been rather frisky. It was 50 degrees and sunny, so I can understand. I felt a little (very little) frolicky myself. But I worry that they will get frozen this weekend when we are back in the teens. I guess its understandable that we are all confused and disoriented by the bizarre winter weather, because even the birds and animals are. I know I felt colder inside the library yesterday than it was outside. It was less sunny inside too. ;) So I'm not quite sure what to expect. Its definitely a delusion to think its really spring. I wouldn't mind another bit of snow, but these teaser days are worrying me, because I fear the worst is yet to come.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Breakfast musing
Our new toaster has settings from 1 to 7 for "doneness". I like my toast "medium", so I tried to make it that way. At 3 1/2 my toast was as dark as could be without calling it burnt. Why do we have 7 settings? Do other people actually like their toast burnt black? Why not just eat a hunk of charcoal? And anyway its supposed to "sense" doneness or something, so why ask me what number I want anyway? Ok, enough musing. I'll drink my tea and go to work.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
I'm just a girl who can't say no...
So I'm working ref again tonight. Wake me when its over. :)
PS Happy Valentine's Day
PS Happy Valentine's Day
Sunday, February 12, 2006
The Winter Olympics
The Olympics are here again! As much as I don't really understand why, I am addicted to watching this stuff. Maybe its being able to root for the little guy, who by the way is not usually the American. (You know, like the Jamaican bobsledders in Cool Runnings). Its really interesting to see the upsets too, when the favorites don't quite live up to the hype. I really feel the tension watching these guys ski or skate or sled. And I feel the excitement when they win. Of course, I also yell at NBC for the stupid stuff they sometimes cover, and the "in your face" things like "how do you feel that you screwed up in your big chance with the whole world watching?". But all in all I enjoy it.
Friday, February 10, 2006
The photography guy
Here I was, desperately worried about doing the black & white photo workshop I foolishly thought I could handle. I was procrastinating putting together a plan of action. I was terrified of my lack of confidence in teaching adults, even though photography is something I feel near and dear to. Enter the photography guy. I think God answers prayers in different ways. I mean what is the likelihood of a patron coming in to ask about photo support groups in Webster while I was at the ref desk? I mean, I'm only out there 12 hours a week (it just feels like more). And yet there he was: (seemingly) knowledgeable, enthusiastic, creative, and available to teach on Feb. 11 too! What remains to be seen is how well he can follow through. I have to admit I'm still a little nervous about the whole thing, but at least talking to him gave me the confidence to follow through with our ideas and get moving. We are meeting this morning to get stuff ready for tomorrow. My only other wish is that some patrons would actually sign up...
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Opinion Question
Hypothetically speaking; you inadvertently witness a coworker's embarrassment by another coworker (you work in a small place where sound carries...).
Do you:
1) Ignore it and pretend you don't hear, so you won't further embarrass the first coworker (who is also your friend).
2) Offer support after the fact and/or out of earshot of the embarrasser.
3) Step in and speak up in favor of your friendly coworker who is being unfairly maligned.
You make the call.
Do you:
1) Ignore it and pretend you don't hear, so you won't further embarrass the first coworker (who is also your friend).
2) Offer support after the fact and/or out of earshot of the embarrasser.
3) Step in and speak up in favor of your friendly coworker who is being unfairly maligned.
You make the call.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Its snowing!
We have had a relatively warm and snow free winter so far. Here we are in February and finally a snowy forecast. It is so pretty and just in time to take some great black and white photos too!
But the funniest thing is that at the sign of a few flakes last night (well, okay an inch or so) people were already talking snow day! I find it highly amusing. And you know people will spend the day complaining about the "rotten weather". But be honest, we knew it would come didn't we? Dress warm and enjoy it!
But the funniest thing is that at the sign of a few flakes last night (well, okay an inch or so) people were already talking snow day! I find it highly amusing. And you know people will spend the day complaining about the "rotten weather". But be honest, we knew it would come didn't we? Dress warm and enjoy it!
Monday, February 06, 2006
So what is it with "Dude" these days. I frighten myself sometimes it comes so easily to my lips. As a name, a comment, an exclamation, a declaration of victory, a term of endearment. I guess it must be passe in the rest of the world now that I've made it mine. But, dude, it makes me happy!
Sunday, February 05, 2006
Super Bowl XL Menu
Spinach calzones (pre-game)
Veggies and dip (Veggie dip , of course)
Cream cheese and cheddar stuffed mini peppers (sweet and HOT)
Little cocktail wiener pigs in a blanket
Fruit bites (cut up fruit cause no one wants to eat a whole apple)
Tortilla chips and the obligatory guacamole
Cheese puffs (healthy ones from the Nature's Marketplace dept.--no MSG)
Cheese and crackers (mostly for show...I mean look how much other stuff there is)
Chocolate cupcakes with banana frosting (decorated at WPL this afternoon)
Cream soda
My daily vitamins
What I missed:
Frozen daiquiris (the bartender must have been too absorbed in the game)
Veggies and dip (Veggie dip , of course)
Cream cheese and cheddar stuffed mini peppers (sweet and HOT)
Little cocktail wiener pigs in a blanket
Fruit bites (cut up fruit cause no one wants to eat a whole apple)
Tortilla chips and the obligatory guacamole
Cheese puffs (healthy ones from the Nature's Marketplace dept.--no MSG)
Cheese and crackers (mostly for show...I mean look how much other stuff there is)
Chocolate cupcakes with banana frosting (decorated at WPL this afternoon)
Cream soda
My daily vitamins
What I missed:
Frozen daiquiris (the bartender must have been too absorbed in the game)
Saturday, February 04, 2006
My one year anniversary
Things I've learned:
Oh it is hard to keep up a blog!
Reading blogs is easier than writing them.
I am more awed than ever by watat.
I crave audience participation.
I thought I didn't.
Yet I'm still too shy about blogging to publicize it more. (Fear of rejection?)
Oh it is hard to keep up a blog!
Reading blogs is easier than writing them.
I am more awed than ever by watat.
I crave audience participation.
I thought I didn't.
Yet I'm still too shy about blogging to publicize it more. (Fear of rejection?)
Friday, February 03, 2006
Becky had a baby and I'm feeling...
My friend (and Siamese twin) Becky just had her sixth child, Gianna Therese. And I am a jumble of mixed emotions. I am so joyful that there is a new healthy baby in the world. And relieved that the birth went well, as I know pregnancy takes its toll on a woman's body (esp. the "more mature" woman). But I'm not surprised that Becky had a quick labor, her body knows how to have babies (unlike mine which always needed help). I am grateful for my friend's unselfish example of commitment to family life. It gives me a place to look for support when the going gets tough. I'm very frustrated right now at being too far away to offer help with meals and housework. And to drop in and hold that beautiful newborn for a little while. Which leads to the scary fact that I'm just a little bit jealous. There is nothing more special than caring for a brand new baby. (Yeah, I know they grow up. And they are still special then, but in a different way.) I am also feeling a little bit guilty because although I am jealous, I am not willing to have another one myself. I guess that's my selfishness again. But I do congratulate Becky and wish her all the best, including a good night's sleep!
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Its hard to blog these days
I think I've succumbed to the need to have comments. I can't keep convincing myself to blog for blogging's sake. I need the support and sustenance of comments. Actually my audience is rather small anyway, so maybe I should just get down and dirty and not worry about negative consequences. And urge the lurkers to comment too. (I know there is at least one of you out there, Matthew). Maybe I'm just not cut out to be a writer and haven't quite figured it out yet. I like what some other folks are doing with their blogs, but I feel guilty stealing ideas. And yet the "top ten" style lists might encourage comments, and force me to think about my day or week. And I do like "quotable" blogs, but I always feel the need to elaborate on those too. Also that implies that I've found something worthy to quote. It is a dilemma. But perhaps I can try a little harder. Tomorrow.
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