Friday, September 08, 2006

Back to school, Part 2

So we filled out the forms, did the haircut, prepped the uniform, backpack, and lunch bag; And Josh went back to school yesterday. Today it almost seemed normal again. No fuss, no muss. But it still feels like the end of summer (it is) and I'm not sure I'm ready for it. Especially since I will have fewer excuses for going in to work late, or for staying away from classes at the pool. But it was fun to get the news about school at dinner. A few new teachers, and a lot of the "same olds". Today will be the beginning of the magazine drive...(magazines or renewals, anyone?), and another boatload of paper to deal with. The biggest surprise is that I did not in fact book a program the same night as curriculum night at school, so I won't have to miss the meet the teachers thing. I know its weird, but I love going to school for a night. It makes the teacher stories so much more vivid if you know who they are.
I'm still fighting the feelings that come with him being the youngest. I mean its 8th grade already, but he's my baby, right? So I still struggle to let go a little more each day. I've got to admit its easier when he steps in and acts responsible too. The problem is that I have to be responsible and parental as well. We'll get there...together.

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