Friday, September 29, 2006

Interesting patron question

So I had an older gentleman yesterday ask me about WiFi. He said he had a laptop and his son gave him a little box to stick in it (for wireless), but the question was this: why would I need/want to use it? I explained the concept of wireless, i.e., not having to plug your computer into a network. And I gave him the flyer we have with the info on setting up the wireless card for our network. He's using dialup at home, so I told him this would be faster if he wanted to do a lot of stuff online. I explained how it made his PC portable, so he could take a meeting at Panera, say. And mentioned how college kids like taking their work with them, outside or wherever. He looked very thoughtful, gave me the flyer back, thanked me, and went off with a rather bemused expression.
Another satisfied customer.

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