Sunday, December 25, 2005
Merry Christmas!
Saturday, December 24, 2005
My Favorite Christmas gift (so far)
Friday, December 16, 2005
In the news...
One FBI e-mail from 2003 complains that the Office of Intelligence Policy and Review (OIPR) "should be embarrassed that the FBI has used this valuable tool to fight terrorism exactly ZERO times."
The e-mail goes on: "The inability of FBI investigators to use this seemingly effective tool has had a direct and clearly adverse impact on our terrorism cases. While radical militant librarians kick us around, true terrorists benefit from OIPR's failure to let us use the tools given to us."
Interesting times...I'm not sure what I think about this. Talk amongst yourselves....
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Signs and wonders
Monday, December 12, 2005
Selective hearing
I believe it must be in the same realm as the telephone ringing. I, and only I, can hear it ring and answer it. And no, it does not matter whether or not it is for me, but as my whole family *wrongly* contends, it is always for me. Actually it is usually for me; but if I have to run, wash my hands, get up from a warm cozy position, or wake up to answer it, inevitably it is for someone else.
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Pseudo High
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Making Tea
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Random musings
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Sundays and Food
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Its a Parade!

Well the long awaited parade day was today. I was nervous enough without having the TAB members who were planning to dance with book trucks cancel out entirely at the last minute. So Xandi scrambled to call teen volunteers this afternoon and we culled together a (motley but lovable) group of kids to walk with. We had some great costumes...layered with jackets, hats and mittens in an attempt to keep warm. I think Adrienne and I were the only ones to figure out how to really dress warm (oh yeah, maybe that's cause we are sensible adults. But wait, if we were sensible what were we doing walking in a parade in December with a bunch of senseless kids? You decide.) In any case we learned a lot and I guess had a little bit of fun. The kids thought it was great to throw candy at people. I thought our newly painted, lighted, garlanded, and posterized book trucks looked great! And truly it could have been a lot worse. I guess what I really wonder is why no other adult staff member of the library thought this was worth doing? I mean there was the brass band ahead of us and firefighters wearing grass skirts behind us. Doesn't that sound like fun. If I (the old tired wretch that I am) can drum up the enthusiasm for this, anyone else should be able to!
Friday, December 02, 2005
Why is it that whenever I blog in the morning, (okay, maybe anytime I blog), it ends up being about sleep or the lack thereof. So instead I shall finish this blog talking about shoes. Despite the wonderful shoe shopping trip of last weekend I still have not found a new pair of good shoes. I realize that it takes time and energy, both of which I seem to have a short supply of, so I guess I should be patient. But I found these cute and comfortable Hush Puppies that were unfortunately 1/2 size too small. I have since searched to no avail online. Apparently they are a discontinued style and there must be a lot of people who wear 8 1/2 wide and have bought them all esp. in the color I liked. I found only one pair in a yucky brown that cost almost $80. So no luck with that. But at least it gives me hope that someday I may find the shoes for me. (Until then I may have to at least get some new inserts for my old shoes and keep on wearing them.)
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Body talk
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Deadline looms
(You may have noticed that I even put off blogging. Its just til I have something coherent and relevant to say. And as you can see I still don't, but I'm saying it anyway.)
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Monday, November 14, 2005
The Basic Eight
Friday, November 11, 2005
Maybe I should get a paper route
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Saturday, November 05, 2005
The Tortoise or the Hare
Friday, November 04, 2005
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Happy Birthday Mom!
Monday, October 31, 2005
My Favorite Halloween Tradition

Saturday, October 29, 2005
I Will Be There
I will be there when you cry,
I will be there when you need me,
I will be there when you fall,
I will be there all the time.
There's a road stretching out
And it leads to your desired haven.
Don't look back and don't you fear
Cause I'll be there.
I will be there when you cry,
I will be there when you need me,
I will be there when you fall,
I will be there all the time.
When you feel like giving up
And you fall on your knees in desperation
There's a strength beyond compare
Cause I'll be there.
You can believe it's true, cause I'll be there
I'll never leave or desert you
Through trials and temptations, oh I will be there,
I'll be there through the darkness, just call me.
Your every heartbeat, well I give to you
And every breath you breath I give to you
And when you're weary and you can't go on
Just look up anywhere
Cause I'll be there. I'll be there.
I will be there, I will be there
Every time you need me.
When you fall, when you fall, and I'll pick you up.
On that road stretching out
And it leads to your desired haven
Don't look back and don't you fear
Cause I'll be there.
I've been on this road a long long time ago,
And I lead you now to your desired haven.
Don't look back, but do draw near
Cause I'll be here, yes I'll be here,
You know I'll be here.
Saw Phil Keaggy in concert again last night. I forgot (I guess you do when you don't listen for a while) how comforting it can be to hear important words sung to you. Words that you want to believe, but don't always feel. This is a very peaceful song with reminders of the loving presence of God, especially through the people who love me. Maybe that's what I needed most to hear, and to keep hearing in the worrying times of my life.
And its what I want to promise those around me...just as a reminder that we all need each other.
Friday, October 28, 2005
What is this thing with refrigerators?
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Rain, Rain go away
Possesses us entirely, the twilight and the rain.
~Alun Lewis
The rain is making people crazy. Everyone is gloomy and out of sorts. I think if the sun ever comes out again we should have to just take time off and bask in it. (But I'm sure if it does come out it will be when I am scheduled to work reference). Maybe we should just have a new attitude, like:
Some people walk in the rain, others just get wet. ~Roger Miller
But then we need it to be a warm rain don't we? ;)
Sunday, October 23, 2005
I'm home alone
The bad thing is that I love being home alone to have some quiet time, and yet I'm not really enjoying it to the fullest. Maybe because I don't know when the boys will be home and I don't want them to catch me wasting time on the internet, as usual. *Guilty*
Thursday, October 20, 2005
A Really Cool Internet site
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Medical Aesthetics
Saturday, October 15, 2005
For my part I am mostly happy. Happy we have a simple, definite diagnosis. And happy that the chaos of soccer season is over sooner rather than later. I am feeling guilty for feeling happy. But nevertheless, that is where I am at. I do feel sad for my son though. Its hard to watch the frustration he is going through. And I admit to a little frustration myself knowing that this ankle issue will probably return to haunt him in the next soccer season as well. I guess I can only hope and pray for the best.
Friday, October 14, 2005
Fog & mist & moon
It was quite foggy over the bay today; with the fog creeping over the trees. It was settled on the water and oozing over the bridge. I think it looked inviting to disappear into, although I did not. Later the nearly full moon came peeking out of the clouds. Magical.
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Wednesday morning in the Gazebo
- Little ones using the rocking chairs
- A toddler or 2 running to hug Curious George
- Babies sleeping peacefully amidst the chaos
- Jason playing guitar and singing in the story room
- Incredible block towers, and the stories that go with them
- Cries of "pencil" as they run for the desk (I gave out lots of scrap paper)
- Puppet shows to appreciative Moms
- Kids shimmying up the light post and climbing on the bridge railings
- Moms and tots dressed alike
- Generally happy hubbub
- Even an occasional reference question
And I still thought that the reference shift went well. So there.
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Vacations should last longer...
Monday, October 10, 2005
Having a wonderful time...
My traveling companion wrote postcards and letters and journal entries every night; proving she can write as well as talk (sometimes at the same time). Me, well, I'm not so good at the writing thing (although I got the pumpkin cookie recipe down). It was just great to be with people who really cared what I was saying, and truly responded with words of wit and wisdom. I am so glad I went with Adrienne to visit those "Mountain Mummas". I realize again how much I really have missed them this last 2 years. Maybe I will be a little better at keeping in touch now (at least for a little while).
Meanwhile back at the ranch, the boys ate lots of beef, went to a movie w/o me :( , and bought a new microwave which even now is being installed. I can't tell if they missed me very much, but there were no tears, so maybe I can think about doing this again some day.
Friday, October 07, 2005
West Virginia
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Road Trip
Monday, October 03, 2005
My daughter and I have the same friends
Looking forward to seeing you soon, E!
Sunday, October 02, 2005
Friday, September 30, 2005
Road Atlas
Thursday, September 29, 2005
100 Posts
Blogging has changed the way I think. Sometimes when I'm ranting in my head, I'll pause with the conscious thought that "this would make a good blog". And sometimes it even happens. Of course, a rant several hours, or even minutes, later is not usually the same (although with a real obsession it can get better). You know, I still even have blog ideas in mind, so maybe I'll continue. Here's to the next 100!
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
The Last Continent by Terry Pratchett
How can you not like a book with insight like that?
And then there's my favorite town on the last continent, Didjabringabeeralong.
No worries.
Monday, September 26, 2005
Sunday Travelogues
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Monday, September 19, 2005
Weekend update: Move over, Martha
Friday, September 16, 2005
Worried about the Fashion Police
Monday, September 12, 2005
Hot and Muggy again
I know, I know, another boring blog about the weather...but I just can't bring myself to face any other issues. I mean, tired is one thing, and hot is another, But hot AND tired is just too much.
Oh, yeah, but I did read a book this weekend that I would recommend to folks who like to read about psychological studies and stuff: Blink. I know its non-fiction, and on the Best Seller list, but I read it anyway. And I liked it.
Thursday, September 08, 2005
"Everything you wanted to know about sleep but were too tired to ask"
I just finished a book called "The House of Sleep" which I was attracted to because of the title of course. It was an interesting book that took place in the past and present in alternating chapters, and included such things as characters who were narcoleptic, insomniac and gender confused. There was also the sleep researcher who thought of sleep as a disease, and thought if we could all stop sleeping we would have 1/3 of our lives back and get so much more accomplished. (He was crazy in other ways too, BTW). Not sure it passes muster as a Tantalizing Title though.
Now if I could only follow some of the advice for getting a good night's rest...
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Back to school, again
Monday, September 05, 2005
Random Labor Day thoughts
The automation of the St. Rita school library is almost done. I still have not touched a barcode label, but have made several cataloging decisions, looked up lots of computer records, done problem solving (including several hours this morning with audio books), and learned what resourceful, creative, intelligent children I have.
In the name of Geocaching we discovered another cool place to walk, practically in our own backyard. We went to the Irondequoit Bay Park East this afternoon and walked along the shore of Irondequoit Bay. I discovered a fun spot that looked like someone was playing Gilligan's Island. And got up close to some geese, ducks and herons that were playing just off shore. But due to Lars' inability to correctly give us GPS info we found no cache. I suspect we were close, but 40 yards in thick woodland is just not close enough.
And now I get to have baked beans for dinner that have been in the crock pot all day. I'm even willing to put up with the inevitable after-effects (in me and the rest of the family) because they taste so yummy! Maybe I'll serve Beano first.
While I'm adjusting to the testosterone overload around here, the carnivore dinners are getting overwhelming. Maybe I'll have to sneak in some more cheese based meals.
And final thought of the day...My new chauffeur actually shows some promise of getting his license sometime this year. Thank heavens.
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Backyard Bird Sanctuary
Monday, August 29, 2005
Back to school, continued...
We went to the NY State Fair on Thursday. Its been a long time since we all went together. We did all the usual, traditional for us, stuff; pints of ice cream for lunch, oohing and aahing over the crafts and art work (including the inevitable talk of what we should have entered), seeing the food demo, the sand sculpture (we went the first day, so not much was done yet), and looking at the animals (cute baby llamas too). We ended by going to the concert in the Grandstand. It was fun taking the kids to the first major outdoor concert they've ever attended. We saw Joy Williams, Jars of Clay, and Steven Curtis Chapman. It was pretty awesome (and loud too), especially sitting just a few rows back.
On Friday we went to Dorney Park in Allentown. A sister park of Cedar Point, but not quite as large. They do have an awesome hanging coaster called Talon, which is where we started and ended the day (well, except for the carousel). We managed not to get rained on, or sunburned, but enjoyed an afternoon and evening of rides. Maybe enough to last til next summer?
On Saturday we hung out in Reading, doing a little shopping at the Outlet stores and some geocaching. We found 4 out of 5 caches we looked for (again without getting rained on too much).
Sunday was move-in day at Albright. We spent 45 minutes arranging and rearranging to get the maximum space despite minimum room and lots of furniture. I thought we came up with a pretty good plan (and I think E was happy with it too; Sarah...who knows?). I wish I could say it did not rain, but it did. We just unpacked between the pouring sessions and the light mist wasn't too bad. At least it wasn't 100 degrees, and there was A/C on in the room to fight the humidity, so that was good. And then we said goodbye. No tears, just a big hug and we were on our way. I guess it helps a lot that I knew she wanted to be there, and that she would be in touch when she needs to be.
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Back to school, Part 1
Thursday, August 18, 2005
The nighttime hip pain miracle cure
Monday, August 15, 2005
A work of Art?
Friday, July 29, 2005
Well, okay so I'm not keeping up
If I were going to find something to blog about I guess I would lament the passing of my PC's hard drive at work. For although I have no data on it (all that is safe--I hope--on the server), it had my "stuff" on it: desktop backgrounds, Netscape (and favorites), all my passwords, my Outlook calendar reminders all set up....etc. I'm trying to look at it as a fresh start, but I'm mentally anguished by starting over. I guess its the same nagging fear I have about all fresh starts. BTW, that reminds me, I wonder if Miss A. really would fire Jason so she could hire me? ;)
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Since my last blog entry I have....
Doing crafts with young children at VBS
Working VERY busy ref desk at work
Trying to clean house (trying is the operative word here)
Buying air conditioners--and trying to keep cool (here too)
Going to the airport
Reading Harry Potter
Going to Renaissance Faire
Grocery shopping (much needed)
Visiting Niagara Falls
Finally getting back to the pool and my Aqua Basics class (after 3 weeks without it)
Missed doing:
Getting enough sleep
Reading the newspaper--or listening to news
Computer games and email stuff
Blogging regularly
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
*Sigh* Where to begin?
Our trip started with a great day at Cedar Point. The weather had cooled enough to be tolerable, especially with the nice lake breeze, (and the breeze of riding a coaster at 70 miles an hour). And my horrible fear of crowds was unfounded. There was (by CP standards) no one there. We walked on to virtually every ride. And even the newest rides had merely a 20 minute wait (compared to 2 hours on a crowded day). Which meant we could easily ride Top Thrill Dragster more than once, ride every coaster in the park-- except the one they had closed :( -- and, best of all, we went back to the hotel for an afternoon nap and still got to do all this. So despite my original reluctance to go, this was definitely worth the effort!
Trip log to be continued...but the rest of today beckons...
Thursday, June 30, 2005
Never enough time and yet here I am blogging
Off to Cedar Point, Toledo, Ft. Wayne and wherever. See you back here in a week or so. Maybe.
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Questions...We have questions
Saturday, June 25, 2005
Thoughts from going to the Drive-in movies last night
Well, all in all it was fun. So maybe, possibly, if there are any more movies this summer that I sort of want to see, we might, perhaps, do it again. But no promises.
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Deep thoughts from a real genius
There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as if everything is.
It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.
When you are courting a nice girl an hour seems like a second. When you sit on a red-hot cinder a second seems like an hour. That’s relativity.
A collection of quotes from --Albert Einstein
Sunday, June 19, 2005
Into the fire?
Friday, June 17, 2005
Out of the frying pan...
On top of that project, I also have agreed to do Vacation Bible School crafts once again. This year there are about 170 kids signed up. I am always excited at this point deciding what things we will make and doing the shopping for craft stuff. (Our favorite place is the Recycle Shop!) I am privileged this year to once again have my kids working with me, and offering their expert opinions. I think Matthew is an invaluable sidekick to have, because he never lets his emotions get in the way...the ideas are just very sensible, and he never has to stop and blab like I do, so he's quite efficient. Elizabeth actually teaches the little kids in her classroom during VBS and seems to know what they will really like. And she's invaluable as my "boring meter". I have high standards to meet. And for the second year I will have Josh to help too. He might not always be a great idea guy, but he'll help with the getting ready part (I can count on him to get his hands dirty). Hopefully I'll be all calm and ready two weeks from now so I can go on vacation and relax...but VBS is the week we get back, so we'll just wait and see.
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Help! I'm suffering from introspection again
Sunday, June 12, 2005
Dwarves Walt never knew
Saturday, June 11, 2005
Its too hot to blog
Thursday, June 02, 2005
Yahoo - my kids are baking!
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
Approaching the "lasts"
Monday, May 30, 2005
Adventuring to Chili
Saturday, May 28, 2005
Family Time
Thursday, May 26, 2005
Surfing webcams
First is Old Faithful, (I was there a long time ago). Another cool site is The Azorean Whale Watching Base . I even found Fenway Park. Which I assume my Red Sox fan friends have already seen. How about a pool in Holland? You might have to read Dutch to know what's happening...And to be fair I should put a link to my favorite site in the spring, Kodak's birdcam, where the baby falcons are growing before our very eyes. And my favorite summer site Cedar Point! Enough fun for now...
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Actually the graduation was great. It was a little too chilly (like, I should have packed my winter jacket, or at least worn corduroy), but the sun was shining enough to cause sunburn on Steve's forehead. And although there were vast hordes of people there, things were orderly and well organized. I watched my son walk across the stage and receive his college diploma with a real feeling of pride and love and a touch of disbelief (not that he did it, but that it happened so fast). Because I was focused on getting a photograph of this event, I did not have time to get all teary-eyed and such. (No, that happened the day before while I picked out a graduation card...and then while I wrote mushy Mom words inside it). There was a nice reception afterward where the food was terrific (I think WPI has the best college food service I've ever tasted), including the fabulous cookies...and bottled water and soda, no sissy punch. And the campus was pretty, so we dragged Matthew around in his cap and gown and took lots of pictures.
There are lots of other things I could tell about...sleeping in the dorm (which actually was very nice and inexpensive and convenient)...The Japanese restaurant where they put on a show while they cooked your food in front of you...Cell phone madness...Packing the car with Matthew's stuff, but leaving him behind to go geocaching with his housemates...Living with a houseful of guests Sunday night (how it is possible to feel claustrophobic in your own bedroom)...and having to jump back into life today. But you'll have to ask, or wait, for brain is too tired to go on. Proud, and relieved, but tired.
Monday, May 16, 2005
Good things & Bad things
- The piano recital went well
- The country project is done
- Directions are emailed to everyone for Worcester
- Steve will go pick up Elizabeth Wednesday & she'll be home!
- I got a little bit of cleaning accomplished today
- Graduation is still days away and I'm already a zombie
- I don't feel like working this week, but I won't call in sick
- Early morning tomorrow because I have to take Josh to school with "project stuff" in tow
- I don't know why I feel so nervous
- I still have to clean the bathroom
Saturday, May 14, 2005
The attack of Caribbean boy
Thursday, May 12, 2005
My bathtub causes temporal distortion
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Monday, May 09, 2005
Happy Birthday Matthew!
Sunday, May 08, 2005
Too tired to say much
Saturday, May 07, 2005
Bird Brain
What does he see? Himself in the window? A door to the inside? Some attractive other bird (he thinks)? Next step, after breakfast etc. was to try Chase Pitkin for some kind of scary window decal to discourage our little chickadee. Maybe a falcon or something. But unfortunately they had nothing like that. We thought that we could just get him a calendar so at least on Saturdays he could leave us alone. We shall see what tomorrow morning brings.
Thursday, May 05, 2005
Old friends
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
Monday, May 02, 2005
My brother just called...
Saturday, April 30, 2005
Logistics Coordinator
Friday, April 29, 2005
I'm not ready yet
Thursday, April 28, 2005
Can't get it out of my head...
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Wanted: Organization skills
Intellectually I know what I have to do. I'm just having a hard time getting there. But at least I've taken the first step today. If only I had some organization skills. I guess I should right now put a hold on "Organizing for Dummies". It can't hurt. And it just might help.
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Birthday Eve
Have a great birthday tomorrow Elizabeth!
And watch out for the pond!
Monday, April 25, 2005
Carl.Solution Premiers
I'm sure it will get easier and become more natural. And I kind of enjoy finding out that a piece of software actually can do more than I expect it to. There was a little incident where the computer (I swear) said some DVDs were checked out and yet the patron found them on the shelf....But I guess I'll claim human error until it happens again. And then I'll complain bloody murder.
Anyway, the change from Ovlite seemed altogether a non-happening, which is at it should be.
Sunday, April 24, 2005
The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
We also had a good time shopping at the Outlet Center. Hardly got to shop enough before we were starving and had to quit. (So we'll have to return at a later date for shoes and dresses.) Elizabeth got her birthday wish of new jeans (x3), as well as a few shirts and a messenger bag. We had a great time playing games on Saturday night; bowling, pool, air hockey and then Outburst. Lots of laughs.
Today we went and visited the Pagoda. Strange landmark for Pennsylvania, but it was interesting anyway. And an excuse to spend another hour together before we had to leave Elizabeth again.
The bad things were: that we stayed up too late on Saturday and therefore were grumpy on Sunday. (Well, not me...but my menfolk who are not used to getting by on little sleep); That there were not enough hours in the weekend (which ties into that part about not enough sleep). The hotel room was not my bedroom, so I had trouble sleeping anyway. And we had to say goodbye to Elizabeth for another month. (At least it was tear free-I think. M was smiling anyway.)
The Ugly: I'm afraid that was me this morning when I testily related how I don't get enough appreciation for the things I do for certain members of my family... I mean who appreciates being awakened, even when they have made it my job to wake them and get them somewhere on time? So damned if I do, damned if I don't, lack of sleep...made me ugly. But I got over it.
Saturday, April 23, 2005
Ten good things about Reading, PA
- Elizabeth lives here
- Albright's campus is pretty in spring bloom.
- Outlet mall shopping!
- The downtown neighborhoods have beautiful old houses.
- It didn't rain all the time.
- Um...Elizabeth lives here.
- Its hard to get (really) lost.
- There's a pagoda on the hill.
- Its only an hour away from Hershey.
- And my daughter Elizabeth lives here!
Thursday, April 21, 2005
Packing the car
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Having an ADHD day
Gee, I wonder if Harry and Voldemort won't just kill each other in the final book. I know that guy, who's the head of the school, you know, he's so old, he's going to die. What's the postage rate to Canada? Oh I'll find it online. Of course the baby's name is Mary. Mary, Mary quite contrary. Do you ever ...?
Now none of that originated with me mind you, but today I was completely unable to block out extraneous conversation. It took me an hour to compose 2 emails and make a few phone calls. I answered a question for Terri (mostly by foisting it off on someone else...but that's my job right?). What am I to do? I guess I could have tried the headphones trick, although its a pain when I'm running to the printer and/or answering phone calls. But today was a day I could relate to my young friends with ADHD. (This website does a good job of convincing me I have it.) There was just too much sensory stimulation and I needed a quiet room. Perhaps that's why I spent the morning at home in the quiet while Josh was outside. This afternoon, after making dinner with his radio blaring I finally had to ask him if I could turn it off. I could not even convince myself to watch a DVD tonight. At least I got in some quiet reading this evening. But right now, even the buzz of the halogen light is bothering me. Must be bedtime.
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Planning a Trip
When to leave; Thursday eve or Friday morning?
Where to stay?
What day should we go to the ball game?
Should we got to the outlets in Reading, in Lancaster, or both?
Which car to take?
What book should we listen to in the car?
What clothes to pack (the weather is so changeable)?
And many smaller decisions along the way. Food and route and shoes.
Well, I'm sure we will survive and even have a great time, but I do wish it were easier for me to plan ahead.