Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Having an ADHD day

Today I just couldn't focus on anything useful. I lost all track of time playing Snood this morning. Then I went in to work and drew a total blank on what I needed to do. I just could not focus. Here was what was in my head:

Gee, I wonder if Harry and Voldemort won't just kill each other in the final book. I know that guy, who's the head of the school, you know, he's so old, he's going to die. What's the postage rate to Canada? Oh I'll find it online. Of course the baby's name is Mary. Mary, Mary quite contrary. Do you ever ...?

Now none of that originated with me mind you, but today I was completely unable to block out extraneous conversation. It took me an hour to compose 2 emails and make a few phone calls. I answered a question for Terri (mostly by foisting it off on someone else...but that's my job right?). What am I to do? I guess I could have tried the headphones trick, although its a pain when I'm running to the printer and/or answering phone calls. But today was a day I could relate to my young friends with ADHD. (This website does a good job of convincing me I have it.) There was just too much sensory stimulation and I needed a quiet room. Perhaps that's why I spent the morning at home in the quiet while Josh was outside. This afternoon, after making dinner with his radio blaring I finally had to ask him if I could turn it off. I could not even convince myself to watch a DVD tonight. At least I got in some quiet reading this evening. But right now, even the buzz of the halogen light is bothering me. Must be bedtime.

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