Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Angry Housewives

Over the weekend I finally finished reading Angry Housewives Eating Bon Bons. I admit I picked it up because of the title. The first chapter (Prologue) started in a hospital room, with reminiscing, so that should have been my first clue that it wasn't all laughs. But all in all I liked the book. The basic premise is a group of diverse women, who all live on the same street, start a book club (eventually know as Angry Housewives Eating BonBons). Or at least they call it that because they do read a book each month. But its clear that it is more of a support group, or just a terrific group of friends and the book is just an excuse to get together once a month. Its interestingly told as each chapter has the point of view of a different person (the host of the month). And the book spans several decades, so you experience the growth of the characters, as well as their families. And all the laughter and tears that come with it.

My strongest feeling now though is jealousy. I wish that felt a sense of belonging like that with a group of people. Not that they had a perfect relationship, but they were close knit. And I don't think too many people today have that feeling of belonging. I know growing up we did have a bunch of kids in the neighborhood we hung out with. The Moms knew each other and socialized too. In my neighborhood today we are just acquaintances, and that's the few people I know. Even the women I do see regularly have all become so busy (myself included) that we don't take the time to really talk to each other. Is this why the whole world is becoming so Me oriented? We just don't make enough time for others? And maybe why we feel so lonely even in the midst of people, because we don't share enough of ourselves?

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

I never really felt like I had a group until I got here. And then I thought I knew these people, even after only spending eight months with them, because we spend so much of our time together. But I guess I really don't know them as much as I thought I did. Maybe there is no such thing as that group connection we long for. Maybe everybody is just pretending. Maybe I shouldn't be allowed to comment when I am feeling so depressed...