Sunday, April 17, 2005

I smell something baking...It must be Sunday

I love my husband, but evidently I don't take to heart Mommom's advice that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. By this I mean that I don't make enough desserts (for his taste, anyway). So on Sunday is his day to pore over the cookbooks, take to the kitchen, and find something to bake. Several weeks ago we were going to a dinner/meeting with our Marriage Prep Team and offered to bring a dish to share. Well the plan was to bake a bundt cake. Which necessitated going shopping for a Bundt pan. Now I had my eye on one of those new silicone ones, so that's what we bought (and right at our neighborhood Wegmans too). As it turned out someone else had already offered to bring dessert and we brought a salad. But the pan was already bought! So today is the test. We have the "Tunnel of Fudge" recipe from the Cake Mix Doctor. And we even had all the ingredients. There is much to be said for a well-stocked pantry (stocked with cake mix, chocolate pudding, chocolate chips, even walnuts). I even get to lick the spoon! Maybe my reluctance to bake is an effort to save my waistline...if not his. But perhaps his Grandma turned that advice around and told him about the way to a woman's heart. Dessert. Well, at least on Sundays, it certainly works.

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