Monday, April 04, 2005


Do bad things ( or even good things) really come in 3s? Like at the library: first Kim, then Marvin, then Sheryl, leaving or retiring. I can deal with that ( or at least I am dealing). Then last week, the well publicized deaths of Terri Schiavo, and then Pope John Paul II. Should I be concerned about another high profile death to mourn? But now there's my microwave which works (sort of)only if I coax it and unplug it to reset...and then there are the beeps when no one is even using it. And yesterday the washer which refused to spin (oh yeah I need to get a repairperson for that. Yuck). So which appliance will it be now? I just can't wait to find out. Maybe it will be the fridge, which will disappoint Elizabeth if she's not here to shop for a new one. Or maybe the dryer and we can buy one of those new 2 in 1 washer/dryer combos. Or maybe nothing else will break, (and no one else will die this week) and we'll know that 3s is just an old wives tale. (Hey, I'm an old wife, what should I believe?)

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