Thursday, February 02, 2006

Its hard to blog these days

I think I've succumbed to the need to have comments. I can't keep convincing myself to blog for blogging's sake. I need the support and sustenance of comments. Actually my audience is rather small anyway, so maybe I should just get down and dirty and not worry about negative consequences. And urge the lurkers to comment too. (I know there is at least one of you out there, Matthew). Maybe I'm just not cut out to be a writer and haven't quite figured it out yet. I like what some other folks are doing with their blogs, but I feel guilty stealing ideas. And yet the "top ten" style lists might encourage comments, and force me to think about my day or week. And I do like "quotable" blogs, but I always feel the need to elaborate on those too. Also that implies that I've found something worthy to quote. It is a dilemma. But perhaps I can try a little harder. Tomorrow.


Elizabeth said...

I think what I want to do is have themed blogs each day of the week, or at least for a few days of the week. Except I can't think of good themes, or nothing is happening worth writing about. Although I do like adding pics, so maybe I will have a random pic day...

wplmom said...

I like pictures! And you know I watch your blog daily. :)