Saturday, February 19, 2005

The New York Times Crossword Puzzle

I have always been a fan of crossword puzzles, and now science tells me that doing them will exercise my brain and stave off Alzheimer's disease. Well, finally I found something that I like doing that is good for me.

Conventional wisdom has it that the Monday New York Times puzzle is easy and they get progressively harder as the week goes on. Personally I usually won't bother with anything before Thursday because there's just no challenge in it. (The Sunday puzzle is usually challenging, but not as difficult as the Saturday.) I spent the last week, as I do many weeks, working a little at a time on that Saturday puzzle, eraser at the ready, for a little while each day, with a cup of tea, before falling asleep at night, or even in the bathroom. But I did solve it! Every letter! And now, happily, its Saturday again and time for a new challenge (just as soon as I finish Friday's puzzle...)

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Sarah likes to do crossword puzzles by asking me one word from one puzzle, then going on to the next when I can't come up with an answer.