Monday, February 14, 2005

St. Valentine's Day

My sources tell me that St. Valentine was an early Christian who gave support and love to other Christians by writing them letters. Support and love. What more can we want any day of the year?

One of my earliest memories of Valentine's Day was finding a gift from my mother at the breakfast table. It was just a trinket sort of gift (I honestly don't remember what), in a paper lunch sack that Mom had decorated with hearts. That little gesture has stuck with me through the years. I guess I like it so much because I knew that Mom loved me no matter how many of those dumb paper valentines I got (or didn't get) at school. Valentine's Day is just about loving another person.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Thanks for the Valentine package. It is almost the first mail I have gotten since being here. And it is a very nice box...