Thursday, June 30, 2005

Never enough time and yet here I am blogging

Why, oh why do I get myself all worked up over time issues? It'll get done, but I just need to get going...

Off to Cedar Point, Toledo, Ft. Wayne and wherever. See you back here in a week or so. Maybe.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Questions...We have questions

Did you ever get the feeling that your life was not real? That no one knows the real you? That if they did you would be friendless? Who is that person I see in the mirror (when I dare to look)? And do I really want to know?

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Thoughts from going to the Drive-in movies last night

Well, I learned a few things yesterday by way of going to the movies. First, I should never say aloud anything I would like to do unless it is something I really am going to do, and I have talked to the hubby and secured clearance; otherwise it could be misconstrued as a promise. Second, I should never complain aloud about anything; also too easily misconstrued as criticism, or a statement of my own laziness. Third, 4 hours is a long time to sit in the car, especially without chocolate. (But the effects can be mitigated by other snacks...maybe). Pillows are good, but don't wear a big fat clip in the hair. And try not to park in back of a big monster SUV, even though they park the trucks and vans behind the cars...its not the same thing. (Luckily those people left after the first movie). A nap before leaving for the movies is a good idea. I thought about caffeine but didn't want to miss the movie while hiking over to the rest rooms. But the whole experience can be fun. And certainly it helps when the movies are good too. Really it was my best reason to go see "Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy" which blew in and out of the regular theaters too fast for me. I liked the movie, especially the very funny theme song "So long and thanks for all the fish". They also had a weapon I don't remember from the book, but which was fabulous; The point-of-view gun. Whoever you shot with it immediately could see your point of view on things. Couldn't we all use one of these sometimes? The opening movie was the improbable "Herbie Fully Loaded", which was not as bad as one could imagine. It was cute and you could hate the bad guys , and enjoy the great 80's music soundtrack. (Somebody obviously knew that you had to have something for parents to connect with so the film would be fun. Actually, now that I think about it a lot of today's parents probably grew up with Love Bug movies too. Okay I guess there is still an audience for it.)
Well, all in all it was fun. So maybe, possibly, if there are any more movies this summer that I sort of want to see, we might, perhaps, do it again. But no promises.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Deep thoughts from a real genius

Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius --- and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.

There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as if everything is.

It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.

When you are courting a nice girl an hour seems like a second. When you sit on a red-hot cinder a second seems like an hour. That’s relativity.

A collection of quotes from --Albert Einstein

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Into the fire?

I spent much of the weekend trying to figure what crafts I actually want to do with 170 little kids at VBS. I am still not 100% sure, but sure enough to place a $300 order from Oriental Trading. I love to look at all their stuff, and this is the only time of the year I usually justify doing it. (And I had to order now so I can get the stuff and sort it out before I leave on vacation). We are doing a safari theme, so I looked at all the animal stuff and its soooo cute. But I'm trying to be realistic about the skills and (limited time) of my students. I've asked members of my church to save toilet paper tubes for one goofy craft, and you can't get any lower than that, so its all uphill from here. (Is that what I really meant?) And then there are the thousands of beads...Oh shoot, I may just end up ordering again anyway. Just for fun.

Friday, June 17, 2005

Out of the frying pan...

Whew! The school year is over and I'm all done with volunteer stuff at school. Not. Actually I have agreed, with my kids, to help do the automation of St.Rita's school library. Its actually been kind of fun so far, and makes me feel great because I've invested a lot of time in the library over the years. Its good to see this finally come to pass. Its also an ego boost because I really know enough about cataloging, and how it has been done in this library, to be able to offer an expert opinion.

On top of that project, I also have agreed to do Vacation Bible School crafts once again. This year there are about 170 kids signed up. I am always excited at this point deciding what things we will make and doing the shopping for craft stuff. (Our favorite place is the Recycle Shop!) I am privileged this year to once again have my kids working with me, and offering their expert opinions. I think Matthew is an invaluable sidekick to have, because he never lets his emotions get in the way...the ideas are just very sensible, and he never has to stop and blab like I do, so he's quite efficient. Elizabeth actually teaches the little kids in her classroom during VBS and seems to know what they will really like. And she's invaluable as my "boring meter". I have high standards to meet. And for the second year I will have Josh to help too. He might not always be a great idea guy, but he'll help with the getting ready part (I can count on him to get his hands dirty). Hopefully I'll be all calm and ready two weeks from now so I can go on vacation and relax...but VBS is the week we get back, so we'll just wait and see.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Help! I'm suffering from introspection again

Things have conspired lately to make me look at my life and where I'm headed (or not): a friend's pregnancy, the Library Assistants conference, reading "The Mermaid Chair", the untimely death of a friend's brother, and even the "Little Burgundy Book" readings on Stewardship. Unfortunately, no matter how I look at things, I never quite measure up to anything. The fact that I feel like I'm drifting with no clear direction is one thing, but there's also the fact that I've no idea which direction I want to go. And is it this fact that depresses me? Or is it that I'm depressed that causes this lack of direction? And would I really be happier if I just stopped thinking about it? Or do I need to do something, take a step, in order to feel better? Or am I just afraid of the answers? Or maybe I should just quit thinking its all about me and just be there to support other people? Perhaps this is why I just keep playing Snood instead...

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Dwarves Walt never knew

Flaky, Sloppy, Creepy, Sexy, Pensive, Loony, Saintly, Nerdboy, Sticky, Dancer, Vixen, Baby, Randy, Arty, Greedy, Leaky, Cheeky, Droopy, Froggy, Flipper, Seabiscuit, Nosy, Lazy, Stretch, Chilly (and his brothers Chili and Chile). I'm sure there were others as well!

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Its too hot to blog

Okay, so I tried to figure out why I have not blogged in over a week, and all I can say is that its just too wickedly hot. I don't deal well with heat (or extreme cold either, but right now I'd even take that). I just feel totally wiped out, no brain function, no body function....I'm melting, melting.....The heat just makes me crabby and nauseous and very lethargic. So there.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Yahoo - my kids are baking!

There's a bake sale at the Fiesta this weekend. But now I don't have to bake because somebody else wants to! Hurray! (But I might help frost cookies...or even eat some.)

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Approaching the "lasts"

Today marked the last school Mass any of my kids would have at St. Rita. And the "Moving Up" ceremony was touching. We were also invited to a brunch for parents whose youngest child was graduating from the school. When realizing that we have had a child at St. Rita for 17 years...It is another of those unreal moments. Where does the time go? Sister asked us if we would consider adopting a five-year old...But of course she knew better. (I can't imagine I would have the patience to do that again!) The next weekor so will bring more of the "last times" but no doubt we will move on to bigger and better things. No point in living in the past. After all, come September (and hopefully sooner for some other family members) we will have plenty more "firsts" to celebrate too.