Friday, June 30, 2006

A mother's life for me

Its been a weird week on the mother front. For the first time ever I gave my kid the car keys and got dropped off at work. And left my kids with the car all day. Should I be happy, carefree, or worried? Maybe a healthy combination of the two. But its a little letting go that I'm proud I could do. (I forget what a control freak I can be sometimes. Or maybe I really need them to be dependent even as I'm complaining they should "Do it themselves".) Then there was the bizarre feeling of watching my daughter do the job I used to do/still do, working with patrons at the library. Smiling and happy. It tugs at the heart, and even the tearducts. (Yowza, hormones in action.) But also makes me so very happy and proud. Yeah, okay so I can't take all the credit...but for the good stuff I want to.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Customary asbestos infestation

I get some interesting spam these days. Lots of it. I never even open them, but some of the subject lines just make me laugh out loud. I mean, what are they trying to sell? Or do? I just don't get it. I mean even if I wanted to buy ephedra, or hoodia, or even pharmaceuticals, why would I buy it from some stranger online who can't spell? But it would be kind of fun to write some of that stuff...Even I can string together bizarre words as long as it doesn't have to mean anything. The junk mail I do read, because they are very creative, are those letters from African people who want your bank account number. "Please help, my husband/brother/uncle died in an automobile accident/perished in a mysterious plane crash/was poisoned, and I need you to help me get his money out of the country. But don't tell anyone..."

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Maybe I should move further north

Did I ever mention how much I hate hot weather?

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

A new obsession

Its scary, but I've found something new to be obsessed about: altered books. (Google it). Thanks to a coworker, I now can't wait to get started recreating a discarded book into a work of art. I'm gathering some cool bits and pieces of art supplies and chomping at the bit to get started. Its even helping me get through my VBS craft planning and prep, as I keep coming across little "finds" that will be perfect for my altered book, while at the same time actually getting everything sorted and in order for VBS week. That little kick makes me happy and keeps me going. I know, I know, I already have too many hobbies and not enough time to do them all justice; but this looks like too much fun to pass up.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

I have to go to work today...

...but I am so not into it. Probably because I stayed up way too late last night, reading, what else. I knew I was tired, almost falling asleep, when I sat down at 10 with Twilight, but I ended up having to finish it. There is something about my body chemistry or brain wiring or something that makes me become addicted to whatever fun thing it is I'm doing (reading, solitaire, crossword puzzle, knitting) to the point that I won't even give up to sleep. I am addictive about food too, I usually don't stop till I'm too full, but my mouth always seems to want more anyway. (Of course I eat too fast, and distractedly, so that doesn't help either). If only I could get addicted to work...(Sure I'll help you find anime at 8:58 pm. I don't want to quit working tonight anyway...)

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Snoozing again

She looks so peaceful, asleep on the couch. I just wonder how she does it. And why she didn't do it as a baby. ;-) And I admit I'm a little jealous, because when I try to snooze on the couch someone always needs to wake me. For that matter even when I try to sleep in my own bed that happens. I guess I just wasn't cut out for sleeping. But a gal can dream can't she?

Friday, June 09, 2006

Wasting another Friday

Its fun when I have a day I don't have to go to work. I always have big plans to "get something done", but often I just end up frittering away the day with little stuff. Like computer stuff, or reading, or even crossword puzzles. I have it in my mind today that I want to go to AC Moore and look at craft stuff. Even though it is all the way across town. I suspect that I can entice my fellow non-working family members to go with me. There is stuff in the advert that I would like for prizes at work, and for VBS, and scarily enough, just for me for fun (like more yarn...uhoh). So I guess we are off to do that, although the weather is threatening.
In other news I got my van back, good as new; Actually even better, since all the dings in the hatch are gone. Now I'm just paranoid about getting hit again. But at least things turned out okay. I also hope to pursue the new waterbed this weekend, as we finally have a Saturday with nothing on the calendar. There is the issue of cleaning the bedroom, but forcing the issue may be a good thing. I've been really lazy around here lately, but I know I'll feel better once its done. So there's my goal in writing. Lotsa luck.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Excuses, excuses

Its time for the regularly scheduled blog about why I haven't blogged. And I really can't explain it. Sure I've had time. But I just haven't felt like it. I also haven't sent any letters, email, cards or friendly notes. I've given no gifts, nor called friends just for fun. I haven't even *gasp* been faithfully reading the blogs I normally do. In short, I'm just not very sociable right now. I guess it could be burnout from the many obligations I've taken on the last few months. But it could also be my usual nemesis of depression. I just don't feel like blogging when I'm depressed. (I'm forcing myself to write this now, because Josh - who himself only blogs once a month - complained that I haven't been blogging) . I don't really have a reason to be down, its just a general stresslike malaise. Maybe its the fact that I haven't been exercising regularly (that gets in to the vicious cycle thing..too tired..exercise..too tired to exercise...), or sleeping enough. Or the dent in the van. Or the fact that Dumbledore is still dead. Your guess is as good as mine. I'll try to do something exciting today to blog about tomorrow. :)