Saturday, November 11, 2006

Post staff day evaluation evaluation

In retrospect I see that my staff day evaluation was not really correct. What I see in hindsight that I needed, without realizing it, was a confirmation, or validation , of the philosophy I have about working in a public library. First off I found out that not all my coworkers share my feelings. And secondly, I find it very disconcerting. And also the answer to some of what has been subtly eating away at me every time I step into the building. I have often considered how much the public service aspect of my job means to me. I've spoken of it as ministry, and some days I truly feel that way. That's not to say I don't complain about the nasty or scary patrons sometimes. But I realize the degree of empathy (thanks X.) that I do have and it makes me feel good that I focus myself there. But now I realize that there is room for improvement, and we could all use a little help (or a lot) learning to figure out just what the patron in front of us needs, and how to give it to them the best way. So that is the training I really think would be helpful. It would also be a wonderful thing if we really had a consensus in the building that the patrons come first. Not the "woe is us, we're too busy" attitude I sometimes get angry about. I see signs of hope in some of the newer clerks, who do truly want to do the right thing for people (and aren't jaded yet). If only there were not a few who sow discontent. We really do need to be looking in the same direction! So perhaps some training at taking the larger view; seeing the library as a community place. Explaining to each other what we really try to do with our jobs. Its so hard to do your job when you are always apologizing for it (to some people...).

Thursday, November 09, 2006

The long awaited list

I got tagged weeks ago, but quite frankly I had trouble thinking of 5 things people don't know about me. My life seems to be an open book. (Well, except for the secrets I won't admit to here anyway.) So I've rewritten this list in my head a hundred times to make it interesting without being depressing.
Here goes:

1. When I was a kid I used to wet the bed.

2. I went to the Junior Prom with my best friend's ex-boyfriend. (Singularly the worst experience of my life.)

3. I talk to myself in the mirror. (Usually trash talk, sorry to say.)

4. I have an over- sensitive sense of smell. I find things offensive that others don't seem to notice.

5. My secret desire is to be a hermit.